Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Research Simulation Session : Zeitgeist

What is Zeitgeist?
The spirit of the time, what is relevant and popular during a certain period of time.

Search Results:

Reference Details:
1.      Zeitgeist official website, 2011. Zeitgeist official website [online]
Available at:<http://www.Zeitgeistmovie.com/> [Accessed 4 June 2012].

2.      The Zeitgeist Movement, 2011. Mission Statement [online] Available at:<http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/mission-statment/> [Accessed 4 June 2012].

3.      Wikipedia, 2012. Zeitgeist [online] Available at:<http://wwwen.wikipedia.org/wiki/zeitgeist> [Accessed 4 June 2012].

4.      Wikipedia, 2012. Zeitgeist The Movie [online] Available at:<http://en.wikipedia.oeg/wiki/zeitgeistthemovie> [Accessed 4 June 2012].

5.      Google Zeitgeist, 2011. Google Zeitgeist [online] Available at:<http://www.googlezeitgeist2011.com/#en/> [Accessed 4 June 2012].

6.      IMDb, 2007. Zeitgeist (Video 2007) [online] Available at:<http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1166827> [Accessed 4 June 2012].

7.      Google, 2011. What is Google zeitgeist? [online] Available at:<http://www.google.com/intl/en/press/zeitgeist/index.html> [Accessed 4 June 2012].
8.      The  Zeitgeist Movement, 2011. Zeitgeist South Africa [online] Available at:<http://tzmsa.zo.za > [Accessed 4 June 2012].

9.      Youtube, 2011. Zeitgeist: moving forward official video.youtube [online] Available at:<http://www.youtube.com> [Accessed 4 June 2012].

10. Spector.D., 2011. Time for some house cleaning [online] Available at:<http://www.zeitgeist.com /> [Accessed 4 June 2012].

Information we found:
1.      Definition of the word
2.      Movie Site
3.      Activist group
4.      Definition of the word
5.      Information about the movie
6.      The top 10 Google searches of 2011
7.      A documentary video
8.      Google zeitgeist how to
9.      Documentary video
10. A movement for a resource based economy

How we go about selecting the most reliable source:
We would first look at the sub titles on the Google page that would explain a bit or a part of the keyword that was typed in and then if it sounds relevant or looks applicable to the criteria then we would then go into that site. And also if the site is well known and trusted then that would also work as factor.

How context helps with distinguishing relevance in a site:
The information on the site will help you figure out whether or not it would have any relevance to your subject.

Images linked to this term:

[Smashing Pumpkins Album Cover] 2007. Available at: <http://landslide.2007.org/zeitgeist.htm> [Accessed 4 June 2012]

[Zeitgeist The Movie DVD cover] 2010. Avaliable at: <http://the-savoisien.com/wawa-conspi/viewtopic.php?id=429> [Accessed 4 June 2012]

[The Zeitgeist Movement logo] 2012. Avaliable at:< http://www.zeitgeist-movement.org/>  [Accessed 4 June 2012]

Most interesting site:
Google Zeitgeist 2011

Words helping to refine our search:
-          The year
-          Movement
-          The Author

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